Monday, February 27, 2012

Why not? Monday.

So I finished our dinner episode of Downton Abbey and thought -- I'd rather not grade labs, so what else can I do? So I scrolled down the Boxee and thought, why not?

GREAT EXPECTATIONS has apparently been seen by M several times, but I had never watched this recent adaptation. He watched the intro scenes with me, and warned me not to get sucked into any multitasking; they were surprising and well done... I liked the imagery and the casting right off the bat. I like Gwyneth and Ethan Hawke a lot and I had thought I read the Dickens novel at one point, although now that I've seen the film I'm not sure that I actually have. Anyways, the Robert DeNiro character and angle was awesome; I really liked the film. Good choice.

Then it was 8pm and I scrolled down the list on the Boxee and... why not?

MARGOT AT THE WEDDING has been in my queue for probably years. I think Netflix recommended it at one point, so I added it to the list when we were still getting DVDs by mail, but we didn't watch it, and it sat around, and then M saved a copy to disk and it's been on one computer or another since then, and I kept on not watching it. Although I like Jack Black, and Nicole Kidman, I didn't like this movie. It was sordid and I just kept thinking that everyone was either being inconsiderate or an ass, or both, constantly. Oh well, at least it is off the list.

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